This month’s hosting fees are sponsored by The Knit Witch. To enter this month's contest, go to www.knitwitch.com and find something that inspires you and leave a comment on the show notes page.


Listener Coupon code is :BarkNKnit for 10% off and one per customer.

Barknknit Podcast Listener's Group News:
-Please add yourself to the Listener Map
-Be Prepared for Gifts KAL come join us.
-Remember we have an FO thread and daily threads.
-Chat has been enabled.
Doggie Bit: Touch
- the command Touch
-Shannon's dog
To contribute to the "Rescued" segment:
1. call drop.io voicemail at 646-462-4031 x 67302
to go to the barknknit drop.io, click here and the password is furry pets
2. submit this form with audio file or just type out your store and attach an image of your pets.
Off the needles/bobbins:
- Child's Placket-Neck Pullover by Joelle Hoverso almost done
- matching hat in my own design
-On the needles/bobbins:
- cast on a pair of Spring Forward by Linda Welch in Franconia Darcie by NHKnitting Mama
-the Barknknit Raising Quilt with left over sock yarns.
-working on 2nd sock and pattern for my design with Shelby B's Designs sock in Sirius Black
- Kenny's Vest The Subtle Stripe by Lara Killian in Knitpicks Swish Worsted on hold-finished
Barkin It Time:
-Aunt Rita
-my mom
Knitting/Spinning Bit:
-Color Theory
-Dyeing with Fiber Reactive Dyes
Treat of the Week:
-Nike Woman App
Thank you listeners.
Thank you SonnyandShear.
Thank you The Unique Sheep
Thank you NHKnittingMama
Thank you The Knit Witch
Please feel free to email me at gnat(at)barknknit(dot)com, or leave a message in the show notes. Or please leave a review on Itunes.
You can also find me on:
Facebook Fan Page
Happy Dog Training, Knitting, and Spinning!
God Bless