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This months hosting fees are sponsored by Mary Catharine of Warmth in the North. Thank you!
I opened a Cafe Press Store! Check out the designs at Barknknit Cafe Press!
Also Opened a Zazzle Store with new logo! Barknknit Zazzle store.
This week's sponsor is:

Check out Sonny & Shear, purveyor of fine rovings and beautiful hand dyed yarns.
Listener Coupon code is :BarkNKnit for 10% off and one per customer.
Barknknit Podcast Listener's Group News:
-Please add yourself to the Listener Map
-Be Prepared for Gifts KAL come join us.
-Knitting Sweaters/Vests in Summer KAL
-Remember we have an FO thread and daily threads.
-Chat has been enabled.
Rescued: Courtney's Dogs
-Eva, Nor, and Bre

1. call drop.io voicemail at 646-462-4031 x 67302
to go to the barknknit drop.io, click here and the password is furrypets
2. submit this form with audio file or just type out your store and attach an image of your pets.
Knitting Bit: Inspired by Mary Catharine
- what to do with extra sock yarn?
- Barn Raising Quilt by Shelley Mackie & Larissa Brown in the following book
Off the needles/bobbins:
-Traveling Woman by Liz Abinante in Hazel Knits Artisan Sock in Plum Glace..projects page.
On the needles/bobbins:
- almost done with Jenny’s Tansu Table Runner by Mel Clark.
- Kenny's Vest! The Subtle Stripe by Lara Killian in Knitpicks Swish Worsted
-Ribbed Vest by Sarah Punderson in some handspun Romney
-cast on the Barknknit Raising Quilt with left over sock yarns.
-squares for my sister's baby blanket
Barknknit Time:
-been sick
-Kenny in Ohio
-Dad went home to Panama
-house news.
Spinning Bit: Mojo is back...aka 1500 yards of DK weight
-obsessed with sweaters plus lots of raw fleece equals spinning lots of yarn for a sweater!
-spinning for my Gooseberry Cardigan by Hannah Fettig in the IK Knits Weekend.
- pretty much a review of the IK knits weekend. :)

- The Florida Fiber In
-met lots of lovely people
-bought fiber
-Rocket Yarn Superwash Merino/Nylon pencil roving...lovely!

- meet n greet and podcasting from SAFF
- October 23-26th in Asheville, NC
One the Road Contest:
-anyone who donates between now and Oct 20th will be enter to win prizes
-first prize will be fiber or spun yarn, stitch markers, and a project page.
Any Donations will be used for podcasting purposes, such as hosting fees, prizes, and items to review.
Treat of the Week: FLAN CAKE!! YUMMY!!
-email me if you want the pattern.

Thank you SonnyandShear.
Thank you listeners.
Please feel free to email me at gnat(at)barknknit(dot)com, or leave a message in the show notes. Or please leave a review on Itunes.
You can also find me on:
Facebook Fan Page
Happy Dog Training, Knitting, and Spinning!