This months hosting fees are sponsored by H3Dakota. She designs Harry Potter socks. Check out her designs on Ravelry here or here on her blog. Knitty Kniterton's House of Awesome is also doing a kit. Check out the kit with the beautiful sock yarn here.
Harry Potter Contest: Prize is a H3Dakota's Half Blood Prince Sock Pattern and skein of sock yarn from Knittyknitterton's House of Awesome.
Ways to enter:
1. Complete this quiz.
2. Complete next months quiz.
3. Post a link to contest, etsy site, ravelry patterns, and/or podcast on your blog, twitter, plurk, or Facebook and come back and let me know you posted it.
This week's sponsor is:

Are you a fan of self striping yarn? Well, Sonny & Shear just received their latest shipment of Artsygal Stripes. Beautiful, vibrant colors that blend one into another. Take a look and you'll be hooked.
Listener Coupon code is :BarkNKnit for 10% off and one per customer.
Barknknit Podcast Listener's Group News:
-Be Prepared for Gifts KAL come join us.
-Knitting Sweaters/Vests in Summer KAL
-Remember we have an FO thread and daily threads.
-Chat has been enabled.
Doggie Bit: Shampoo Reveiw
-Vermont Soap Organics Pet Shampoo

-Went to Manda's to swim!! FUN!!!
-Frankie is doing really good.
Off the needles/bobbins:
-Dishcloths for a part of my friend's wedding present.
-Ramboillet fiber spun and navajo plyed.
- My frist ever crocheted dishcloth!

-Entrelac Sock (rav link) by Eunny Jang in Araucania
-my dad's vest, The Subtle Stripe by Lara Killian in Knitpicks Swish DK..
-Spring Forward socks by Linda Welch which was in the Summer 2008 of Knitty. in Spring Tickle colorway in Dream in Color Smooshy for Kenny’s sister Sarah.
-Moonlight Sonata Shawl by Shui Kuen Zozinski in Araucania Ranco
-working on a friend's sweater for her.

Barknknit Time:
-busy, crazy weeks
-Sister-in-law Sarah, son, her boyfriend, and his son are coming to visit!! FUN!!
- Stitch n Pitch this Sunday!
Spinning Bit: Spinning with Patty Anne Review
-check it out here.
-loved how she sent it wrapped in roving!

-dyed more locks
-using guilds carder
-Soon to be selling dirty batts in store. Keep your eyes out for this!

Thank you sponsor.
Thank you SonnyandShear.
Thank you listeners.
Please feel free to email me at gnat(at)barknknit(dot)com, or leave a message in the show notes. Or please leave a review on Itunes.
Happy Dog Training, Knitting, and Spinning!